JackPrep's signature Math programs are all overseen by Claremont College and UCSB alum Jack Chou, who has enjoyed great success building a solid foundation for local and international math students from grade school to high school, and into preparations for college admissions. Jack makes use of a school-based curriculum to ensure that your student's success is measurable in the classroom.
JackPrep's math offer includes Pre-Algebra, Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry, Pre-Calculus, Calculus, AP Calculus AB and AP Calculus BC.
Jack Prep 的數學課程全部由我們的明星教師Jack Chou精心設計,多年的教學經驗下,Jack構築了完美的數學學習系統。不論是臺灣的數學體系還是國際學校的數學體系,我們都能為您的孩子奠定堅實的數學基礎以應對未來的升學考試。Jack設計的教材圍繞學校教學課綱,循序漸進加深數學學習,讓學生在學校的課業達到質的提升。
Jack Prep 數學課程涵蓋:Pre-Algebra,Algebra I,Algebra II,Geometry, Pre-Calculus, Calculus 以及AP Calculus AB;AP Calculus BC。
Jack's tried, tested, and proven review strategy has helped numerous students attain the perfect 800. This course is one of JackPrep's most successful core offerings.
專業SAT 明星導師Jack多年的教學經驗,一次次證明了獨家的數學解題技巧百戰不殆!無數的學生在Jack的教導下,SAT數學都拿到了完美的800分。獨家核心精華課程,報名從速!
Study this life science through the syllabus as outlined in standard- and higher-level AP and IB subject tests. Also incorporates review and test-taking skills needed to thrive in a high school environment. For 11th Graders.
從基礎生命科學到進階的AP和IB課程,我們的生物課通通涵蓋。課程融入自習以及考試高分技巧,讓你輕鬆應對學校課程學習及面對SAT II Biology的科目考試。
We take on the science of the physical world and break this down into bite-sized, digestible learning chunks. Take on high school and standardized subject tests with confidence! For 10th Graders.
我們將艱澀的化學世界分解成簡易的學習版塊,隨著學校的進度來協助學生學習。對於未來的SAT 化學科目考試,您將可以輕鬆應對。
Embrace the study of natural laws which define the way all physical beings move and interact. We simplify the concepts surrounding this science so you can tackle your tests with ease. For 9th Graders.
We've created an interdisciplinary, scientific study experience by merging the most commonly studied scientific areas of discipline to create a basic, well-rounded, overview course. For 7th to 8th Graders.