Chris is from the ancient, hallowed land of San Antonio, TX. In keeping with the tradition of his peoples, he graduated with a BS in Chemistry from the University of Texas at San Antonio in 2009, and eventually went back to earn a Master of Business Administration degree in 2015. Before he moved to Taiwan, Chris spent 7 years teaching various subjects, like Chemistry, Biology, Geometry, and more to at-risk students in the San Antonio and Corpus Christi areas of Texas. In addition to this, he also taught SAT and MCAT Physics prep classes for TPR. Since coming to Taiwan, Chris has worked with numerous students not only in SAT I/II prep, but also AP Calculus BC, Physics, and Chemistry.
When he’s not teaching, as expected from a person from Texas, Chris devotes his efforts to cultivating his cowboy persona. He often wears a Stetson around the office and insists his coworkers call him “The Lone Ranger”. He has learned the hard way to not refer to people as “Tonto”. Never one to be pigeonholed into just one stereotype, Chris also enjoys playing numerous outdoor sports like Tennis and Basketball, as well as board games. He can sometimes be found at local parks trying to charade his way into playing with the locals. If ever approached in the wild, you will find you can lure him in with a casual mention of tacos.